‘Excuse me’, he said to the woman next to him, he had leaned his
weight a little too much in her direction. She acknowledged his apology by
moving further away and muttering to herself.
Most passengers tried to dispel the humid heat with some version
of a fan, folded paper, hand bills, some twirled around their handkerchiefs in
desperation, most had plastic hand fans. Lagos was hot and you had to be
prepared. Its residents had learnt to outsmart inconvenience and woke up
everyday with a new strategy that probably made divinity smile.
Lanre looked at his phone expecting a reply from his car mechanic.
His car was towed off from Mandilas earlier that day on his way to a client,
thanks to the alternator of his car.
His phone began to vibrate. The
screen read: “IreOluwatemiTiide Calling”, the green arrow gliding seductively
across the screen. His mind went momentarily blank, then suddenly into chaos.
He hadn't spoken to her for about three weeks now! He had waited for this
minute. He had gone a little crazy and back, looking for her. They were caught
in limbo, true, but that didn't excuse her disappearance and
disregard for his emotions. As far as he was concerned, they were in a
He had called her that night but she had told him, she'd call
back. She never did. He didn't know how she was or where she was. Dara
eventually told him that she was in Barcelona on a business trip. He had every
reason to be mad at her.
'Hello'. There was a pause on the line.
'Hey, Lanre. How have you been?'
Lanre strained to hear her above
the rumbling engine of the bus. How dare she sound so casual?
'I’m ok. How was your trip? Dara told me you were away.'
The bus
door swung open and more passengers flooded in. He inched further into the bus
to create some space for the new travelers, his forefinger on his other ear to
block out the sounds.
'Yeah, I’m sorry I fell of the radar. I had a couple of stuff I had
to deal with….work related'.
'EHHHHH! THAT IS MY SEAT O!' shouted one of the passengers.
'Is your name printed on the seat?', retorted his contender.
Fellow travelers intervened and in seconds it was a full-blown racket.
Heat-induced agitation. Lanre turned his back on them and tried to
continue his conversation. Why hadn’t she called him all this time?
'Where are you? There’s a lot of noise in the background.'
'We need to talk, Tiide. It would be great to see you later',
Lanre answered, ignoring her question. He had thought his walls were up and
he’d be a little less fluid with affection. Hearing her voice stirred things
inside him, it was like coming home, albeit, full of uncertainty and
confusion. He missed being home.
'I don’t think I can, Lanre, I need to deal with some
things….. still.' Lanre felt like half of himself remained. She didn't want to see him. They dealt with issues together. When she had issues with her old boss, they dealt with it together and got Omicron together. The first time he flew by air, she had bought a ticket as well to Port Harcourt because she knew he hated the idea of being off the ground.
'You can tell me, babe.' Should he have said babe?
'Don't worry about it, Lanre. I have to go' she sounded aloof. He was on speaker, he could tell. She was probably reading messages as she spoke to him. Right on that bus, that hot afternoon, he knew he needed
Tiide more than she’d ever need him. He felt completely torn apart by the intensity of his
emotions; anger, desperation....fear.
'Ok.Ok..wait, I know I sprang up on you that night with the proposal.' Lanre glanced up to see an
eavesdropping passenger staring at him. The man quickly averted his gaze, pretending
to stare at some phantom object behind Lanre’s head, frowning for effect. Lanre continued slightly
hushed,'We really need to talk, can I call you tonight?'
Tiide hesitated on the other end. Finally, she sighed, 'I might be out with Dara
till late. I’ll call you when we get home,ok?'
Lanre smiled. 'Ok'. He replied.
He knew she wouldn't call.
To be continued...
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