You can imagine that as a health freak, I am beginning to adjust my life accordingly and I can't tell you how much standing sucks!
Now I stand and type, (I am standing right now!) I stand and watch Netflix (what's Netflix without a couch!), I stand and eat (which makes no sense!), I'm probably over-doing it but hey.
Studies also show that not having a daily exercise routine, increases the risks by 50% (all the ploys to eradicate the couch potato *sad face*). Trust Medical research to ruin something as passive and innocent as sitting down for us. I actually feel guilty sitting down these days. I can't help it though if I'm driving, right?. Next thing we know we have to drive like Fred Flintstone.
(I'm in the medical field so I can be as grumpy as I want) .
Four hours to sit per day just became more difficult with this revelation, especially since one episode of Blacklist lasts 45 minutes (James Spader is an excellent actor, that had to be said).
I'm hoping at some point, this study would ease up to six hours of bum time.
Till then I guess we should stand as much as possible during the day, take short walks around the office, do sitting exercises, stretches and all that fun stuff.
Let's keep healthy! x
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